08 June 2008

a little visitor

Last night as we sat down to watch "The Jerk," my boyfriend saw something out of the corner of his eye. "I think I saw a waterbug or something," he declares. I tense up a bit. I don't mind little creatures, and in fact, when they're in their natural habitat I admire them in fascination. But when one of these creatures finds his way into my home, I freak.

"Oh, there he is," a pause as he points behind the TV stand, "I think it's a mouse." Oh man. I don't like this. A look of disapproval comes my way, maybe because at this point I'm standing on the couch. Okay, I need to buck up and shake this irrational fear.

"He's so tiny... he's kind of cute," he says reassuringly. In the 8 years he's lived in this apartment -- and the 5 or so years that I've been here -- this is a first. We've been pretty lucky to have had so few parasitic visitors. Maybe a cockroach or two. That's it.

So on and off for about an hour or two (between snippets of "The Jerk") it goes like this: my boyfriend tries to scare the little bugger out from behind the TV stand. I, with big cardboard box in hand, eyes like a hawk, peer from my perch (the couch) waiting to pounce. My boyfriend shines a flashlight to expose him dangling from the TV wires, his shadow looming large on the wall. The mouse climbs onto the shelf where the DVD player and stereo live. Then he climbs down the wires and hides under the stand. Again, he runs up the wires. And on and on. Finally, makes a break for it. My weak attempt to toss the box over him is thwarted. He's now safe in the underbellies of the stove.

Weary and bleary eyed, we block him in the kitchen using a big mirror and steel wool and go to bed. To keep him from our bedroom, just in case, we stuff a towel under the door.

In the morning we assess the situation. He's nowhere to be found. I do some research on humane trapping. I'm not about to kill the little guy. I have to admit, the wily bastard is cute. And I don't want to come home to find a dead mouse belly up in a snap trap or worse, stuck in a glue trap.

So I found two methods for trapping, both DIY. We're trying this method from Chris Glass, who says it worked within an hour. There's also another method, using a 2-liter plastic bottle, but it's a bit more time consuming to construct.

(Left: Our version of the humane mouse trap)

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Liz said...

Mr. Mouse (or maybe Ms.?) has for now vacated the premises. He or she didn't take the bait, or maybe didn't like our taste in movies. Either way, I hope he (or she) is in a better place.