I'm inclined to say yes. And I'd like to confirm my suspicions by watching this:
The Age of Stupid Global Premiere Trailer from Age of Stupid on Vimeo.
This isn't just a film about climate change and what could happen if the most severe predictions come to fruition. It's also a global call to action (before the film even launches). I think director Franny Armstrong and the producers learned from the anti-climactic, uninspiring suggestions at the end of An Inconvenient Truth for individual energy consumption reduction.* Of course, I think each of us is responsible for our ecological actions, but something as big as climate change requires the attention and concerted effort of policy makers around the world. And the film's release just happens to coincide with the UN General Assembly's climate session.
*Not to discount Gore's own current efforts to thwart climate change.
Want to see what the world might look like if our climate nightmares come true? The Age of Stupid premieres September 21/22.