24 October 2008

podcast interview at greenblogosphere.com

This afternoon, I spoke with Tom Tucker, the managing editor at GreenBlogosphere -- an online community for green bloggers and anyone who's interested in participating in the green movement. We talked a little bit about how I got started and where I hope to take supereco, as well as some specific topics that I've blogged about.

Click on the widget below to listen to the conversation:


Anonymous said...

Your interview made a big impact on how I want to live my every day life. I liked how you stated that it's a process that can be started slowly. I think it's something that can be accomplished and we will all feel healthier in time and help save the environment at the same time. Thanks, Liz

Liz said...

I'm so glad that the interview helped. When I started changing small things in my life to have less of an impact on the environment, it seemed a little overwhelming at first, but then it kind of became second nature. (And I continue to learn new things all of the time.)

It's encouraging to see more people adopting small changes in their lives to make a difference.

Thank you for listening!