15 April 2009

diy yogurt

I've been wanting to make my own yogurt for a while now. I just read a great tutorial in the NY Times on how to do it. The thing is, I've come to prefer goat's milk yogurt to cow's milk. It's supposed to be easier to digest. I might not have an easy time tracking down goat's milk to make it a regular practice.

(Goat image via Redwood Hill Farm)

Maybe I'll experiment with other types of milk, though I'm not sure if it'll work... hemp milk yogurt anyone?

To make yogurt, first choose your starter yogurt. If no one offers you an heirloom, I recommend one of the ubiquitous global brands, sweeteners and stabilizers included. They tend to have very active bacterial cultures, including EPS producers, and the additives end up diluted to insignificant levels. Delicious specialty yogurts make less predictable starters.

Then choose your milk. I prefer the flavor and consistency of yogurt made from whole milk. Many types of reduced-fat milk replace the fat with milk solids, including acid-producing lactose, and make a harsher tasting yogurt. Soy milk sets into a custardy curd that becomes very thin when stirred.

Heat the fresh milk at 180 to 190 degrees, or to the point that it’s steaming and beginning to form bubbles. The heat alters the milk’s whey proteins and helps create a finer, denser consistency.

Let the milk cool to around 115 to 120 degrees, somewhere between very warm and hot. For each quart of milk, stir in two tablespoons of yogurt, either store-bought or from your last batch, thinning it first with a little of the milk.

Then put the milk in a warm jar or container or an insulated bottle, cover it, and keep the milk still and warm until it sets, usually in about four hours. I simply swaddle my quart jar in several kitchen towels. You can also put the container in an oven with the light bulb on.

Once the yogurt sets, refrigerate it to firm its structure and slow the continuing acid production. To make a thick Greek-style yogurt, spoon it into a fine-mesh strainer or colander lined with cheesecloth, and let the whey and its lactic acid drain into a bowl for several hours. (Don’t discard the whey, whose yellow-green tint comes from riboflavin. It makes a refreshing cool drink, touched up with a little sugar or salt.)

Read the rest


Anonymous said...

Lizard, my aunt used to make yogurt when I was a kid back in the 70s. In their household, there was also an "if it's yellow, let it mellow" approach to flushing. I love Hippies!

Liz said...

Hippies are great!

I'm not a mellow yellow type, but I recently started collecting otherwise wasted shower water (while the water's warming, while I'm showering) to flush the toilet.

It's fun little trick!