31 July 2009

the digital diet: an experiment

When I go on vacation, I don't check emails, I don't go online, I barely even answer the phone. On these tech-free holidays I am able to focus, enjoy myself, relax. So I'm going to try a little experiment next week. From Monday to Friday I will not be posting anything. I will not check email. I will not go on Facebook or Twitter.

I love the computer and the internet and the way it connects people in new and interesting ways. But I want to see what it's like to go through my regular day at home, and while working, completely disconnected from the digital realm.

I will read more. Write by hand more. Interact with people more. Breathe more.

If I need information I will ask someone for it instead of Googling it (what a concept!).

What will my days look like? Stay tuned, for the week after next (week of the 10th) I will report back about the experience... or will I? :)

Love you all and see you on the 10th...

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